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Ron Siegel Home & Finance Radio May 31 2013

Ron Siegel and Robert Von Esch discuss: IRS Scandel – Is there a smoking gun Why do Americans visit Mexico – Yanira Maldinaod is released Word on Wealth: Foreclosures, Short Sales decline in the first quarter Real Time Real Estate: Pending Home Sales Edge up in April Foreclosure Inventory Falls 24% from a Year Ago […]

Ron Siegel Home & Finance Radio May 30 2013

Ron Siegel discusses: How government agencies are beating the Sequester budget cuts Harvey Whitamore convicted of making $150,000 in illegal contributions to Harry Reid Jobless claims a little higher than expected     $1.3Million Fed Study: “What in Nature of Online Relationship Development Might Facilitate Unsafe Sex?” IRS Spent $1.1 Million on BlackBerries and Aircards It Didn’t […]

Ron Siegel Home & Finance Radio June 4 2013

Ron Siegel is joined by Michael to discuss: Boy Scouts Face Monumental Loss Say it ain’t so Joe… VP cancels his annual Summer Bash for staffers and journalists Kathleen Sebelius – HHS Secretary is reaching out to public health companies for funding Obamacare and bypassing Congress, does this smell like Iran Contra Word on Wealth: […]

Ron Siegel Home & Finance Radio May 29 2013

Ron Siegel is joined by John Chow and Robert Mott to discuss: A Liberal Teacher’s First-Person World LPS – Home Prices climb 2.9% from January to March Billionaires dumping stocks, do you know why? Champagne Boosts brain power, Really! Is Organic wine better for you than regular wine? What Red Wines can I drink if […]

Ron Siegel Home & Finance Radio May 28 2013

Ron Siegel is joined by Paul Eisenberg to discuss: Political Collusion with the Sale of 56 Postal Buildings owned by the Federal Government MSNBC Host compares Gitmo prisoners to American Slaves, really Distressed Sales Fall, Investors increase short sale activity Will Congress get around to scrapping duplicative programs? When should a parent use a Child […]