Ron Siegel Radio Network Oct 31 2014
Ron Siegel of Anaheim Hills CA and Barbara McNamara of Huntington Beach CA discuss current events, financial markets, politics, and even poking fun at the rest of the media in a live radio broadcast from Anaheim CA.
Ron and Barbara will discuss: What does divorce cost; How does the court determine child support; Can an ex-spouse really collect Social Security Against the ex-spouses income; Why is 10 such an important number in divorce; Taking the Spooky Out of the Mortgage Process; Workers Living Longer, Bad News for Pensions; Mortgage Minute; Your Credit Matters; Real Time Real Estate; Word on Wealth; and so much more.
Ron Siegel, consumer advocate and mortgage lender, discusses anything that affects the roof over your head, your bank account or other items that will benefit you / your family.
Reach Ron at
- 800.306.1990
- Twitter: @RonSiegel