Ron Siegel Radio Network July 07, 2015
Ron Siegel of Anaheim Hills discusses: current events, financial markets, politics, and even poking fun at the rest of the media in a live radio broadcast from Anaheim CA on ESPN and NBC Talk Radio.
Ron discusses: Why does one get different results from a Mortgage Bank vs a traditional bank; What is the difference between the media's unemployment numbers and the "real" unemployment numbers as discussed by Bernie Sanders; What is a Housing Bubble, Is One Forming; FHA Loan Declined, Here's How to Change Lenders; Why is the Greece Financial collapse so important to the US Economy; Mortgage Minute; Your Credit Matters; Real Time Real Estate; Word on Wealth; The SLT will Provide a Complementary Real Estate Action Plan (R.E.A.P.) Semi-Annually, and so much more.
Ron Siegel, consumer advocate and mortgage lender, discusses anything that affects the roof over your head, your bank account or other items that will benefit you / your family.
Reach Ron at
- 306.1990
- Twitter: @RonSiegel