Ron Siegel Radio Network Feb 29 2016
Ron Siegel Radio
Ron Siegel Radio
Published on February 29, 2016
Ron Siegel Radio Network Feb 29 2016

Ron Siegel Radio Network Feb 29 2016

Ron discusses local and national current events, politics, personal and business finance with a few mortgage tips along the way. A Southern California mortgage expert and bonafide political junkie, Ron delivers intelligent, entertaining radio that makes the hard news of the week easy to understand!

Ron ESPN ImageRon will discuss: First Time Home Buyers Account for 57% of Sales; What is the plan for the first time home buyer to purchase a home; What is a Rate Lock; What is Floating an Interest Rate; why Ron feels double apping a loan is a poor decision; why are SoCal Gas Prices so much higher than it should be; Home Renovations that have a quick return on investment; and so much more

Ron Siegel, consumer advocate and mortgage lender, discusses anything that affects the roof over your head, your bank account or other items that will benefit you / your family.

Reach Ron at