Ron Siegel Radio Network Feb 1 2016
Ron Siegel Radio
Ron Siegel Radio
Published on February 1, 2016
Ron Siegel Radio Network Feb 1 2016

Ron Siegel Radio Network Feb 1 2016

Ron Siegel of Anaheim Hills, CA and Brent Humpherys will discuss current events, financial markets, politics, and even poking fun at the rest of the media in a live radio broadcast from Anaheim CA.

2016-02-01 10.03.46Ron and Brent will discuss: Finding a Home when there is Limited Supply of Listed Homes; Have you Ever tried to get rid of Your Smart Phone for a Month; Benefits of a Professional Real Estate Agent; How many homes are available for sale; Why owning a Home Makes Financial Sense; Items you DO NOT need to pay for; Mortgage Minute; Word on Wealth; Your Credit Matters; and so much more

Ron Siegel, consumer advocate and mortgage lender, discusses anything that affects the roof over your head, your bank account or other items that will benefit you / your family.

Reach Ron at

