Ron Siegel Home & Finance Radio Aug 8 2013
Ron Siegel Radio
Ron Siegel Radio
Published on August 8, 2013
Ron Siegel Home & Finance Radio Aug 8 2013

Ron Siegel Home & Finance Radio Aug 8 2013

Ron Siegel is joined by Kathy and Bob to discuss:

  • Mortgage Minute:
  • Real Time Real Estate:
  • Your Credit Matters:
  • Word on Wealth:
  • 7 Valuable Facebook statistics you should know before for a more engaging Facebook page
  • Things to stop doing on Facebook NOW before it's too late
  • Why is branding so important
  • How do you get your picture seen across multiple platforms
  • How can one who is not creative appear otherwise
  • How do you use Social Media in Business



Featured Guests
Kathy Klingaman and Bob Watson - TopBroker Network Real Estate

Ron Siegel, consumer advocate and mortgage lender, discusses anything that affects the roof over your head, your bank account or other items that will benefit you / your family.

Reach Ron at