Ron Siegel Home & Finance Radio Apr 24 2013
Ron Siegel discusses:
- The Nightmare his family has endured because Ron selected Mercury Insurance for his Homeowners Coverage
- How Mercury Insurance's "contractor" asserted a laptop computer that was under an indoor water fall had no damage
- Why did Mercury Insurance find it necessary to displace our Family for over 2 months at a cost of nearly $450 per night (3 rooms) instead of reconciling an $8,000 variance on the scope of work?
- 22% Of Americans Have Never Checked Their Credit Report
- Housing inches closer to the Pre-Recession normal
- FHFA Reports 7.1% annual increase in Home Prices
Robert Mott will discuss:
- "Cork Teases"
- How Long I should Age my wine?
- What is Chapitalizaton?
- What is the origin of the roleof Sommelier?
Featured Guests
Robert Mott - The Wine Bar at Old Town
Ron Siegel, consumer advocate and mortgage lender, discusses anything that affects the roof over your head, your bank account or other items that will benefit you / your family.
Reach Ron at
- 800.306.1990
- Twitter: @RonSiegel
Listen to internet radio with Ron Siegel Home and Finance Radio on Blog Talk Radio